You are a Universe

I remember once reading a line in a book which said something to the effect of, “we [humans] are an endless multi-dimensional universe.” 

I’m not sure I have written it as beautifully as the author who wrote it did, but the idea of the line is this: that each of us is made up of endless dimensions — we exist beyond the labels we give ourselves, we contain within fragments which seem, at times, in complete opposition to one another, and the ways in which our personalities and beings can express are simply innumerable. 

A Moment to Reflect

At the time I read it, I struggled a lot with understanding parts of myself. I had identified with a handful of labels for so long — namely, being shy, and it perplexed me quite deeply to consider, for example, how I might be a “shy” person when I could recall, in fact, many moments in my life during which I was not. 

It seems simple today, but at the time, when I had listened for so long to the authority of those around me about who I was instead of the voice of my inner self, I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that maybe, just maybe, I had simply learned to be shy in some moments, and not in others, and that both of these versions of me were still, in fact…me.

It is why when I read about this concept of multi-dimensionality I was so intrigued — at last, some words to give insight into something I had felt but could not yet express (oh, the magic of words).

New Ideas Lead to New Worlds

This idea — that we can be multiple things which extend beyond who we might have known ourselves to be — was mind blowing. It gave me the first glimpse into the true nature of Self, and opened the doors to a new world in which I could be many things instead of just one; that who I was depended more on the people, places, and situations I found myself in as opposed to a kind of pre-determined, written in stone truth about the nature of my being. 

It gave me insight to see that being shy was simply a learned behavior, one which I picked up to keep myself safe and out of harm’s way. 

In this way, it also helped me to accept that being shy was my mind’s way of trying to protect me, and that I needn’t be ashamed of it, or embarrassed by it, or feel badly about it — but instead, I could be curious about it, and ask myself: what about this environment or these people is making me want to withdraw into shyness? 

The Roads to Explore are Many

I could write endlessly about the ways in which acknowledging how multi-dimensional we really are can so powerfully impact how we view ourselves and show up in our lives, but perhaps, I will wrap up with this:

The labels we give ourselves are useful to understand ourselves, but they are not who we are. 

No matter how long or how deeply we have believed that we (or anyone, truly) can be defined by static, unflinching words alone, we can always begin to see that the truth extends far beyond, that each of us is a universe unto ourselves, made up of a million and then some different facets — all real in some way, shape or form, and none without purpose or reason.  

No matter how we may sometimes cling to definitions and labels because it seems to be all we know, we can always remember that the mind exists to make sense of it all, but the heart is there to lay rest to it all. 

We are this, and we are that.

Today we may be that, and tomorrow we may be this

There is room for it all, because that is thing about being a universe — it is simply, endless.


#100daysofwriting | 12 of 100 | These words are part of a series of 100 pieces I am challenging myself to write. Will the words be perfect? No. Will they be done? Yes. As a life-long recovering perfectionist who loves to write but fears subpar work, to write with such frequency and disregard for most standards except the one that asks, is it published? will be an adventure, to say the least.

Topics, I’m sure, will span the breadth of seriousness to silliness, will cover the grounds of spirituality to observations I may make in a nail salon, but truthfully, there are no promises in such a challenge, except to say that yes — they will be done.

You can keep up with my writing challenge by following me on Medium, or subscribing to my email list.



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