Hi, I’m Cristina

Writer, arTist, Wonder-Seer

My mission is to serve my fellow sensitive humans in healing & reconnecting to inner Knowing through heart wisdom, joy, and creative self-expression

My philosophy

When you allow your life to be guided by the wholeness of your heart, you lay aside the worry, fear, and shame of the mind and trust in the connection that exists within your heart to your soul, and your soul to All That Is.


You don’t have to be highly sensitive to experience this connection, but I have found that highly sensitive humans will tend to feel it more deeply. The connection you have to your heart is the the lifeblood of your spirit. When it is severed, weakened, or even simply neglected, your connection to life itself grows distant, dull, and sometimes can feel as if it isn’t even there at all.

As a highly sensitive human living in a world full to the brim of intense energy and emotion, it becomes all too easy to disconnect from the heart in order to stop the feeling of pain.

However, your connection to your heart is exactly the space within where you are able to heal past hurts and move into experiencing the incredible vibrancy and magic of life that exists when you are fully connected and living out of the wholeness that is your birthright.

Where I Began

When I was 30, I experienced an intense awakening which opened the door for me to see how incredibly disconnected I was.


It happened after a particularly hard breakup which left me feeling lost, hurt, and terribly confused. At the time, I’d been running full speed down paths in both my professional and personal lives trying to “do” it all and control it all so that life would give me the love and acceptance I so deeply desired.

Eventually—as will happen when you’re running with your eyes closed—I hit a wall, woke up, and since then have been dedicated to learning about the nature of who I really am—who we all really are—and continually moving into the wholeness of being.


Disconnection manifests physically; on the left the year is 2018, where I was heavy in the midst of uncertainty and pain. On the right the year is 2021—having learned how to be present and connect back to the wholeness of my heart.

Where We Begin

I write and share because I know what is possible when we learn to live from the wholeness of the heart (but most of us have never been shown the way).


The ways we become disconnected are often nefariously subtle and all too frequent. Many of us are raised in environments which lead us to believing that our feelings are too much, our curiosities too strange, our dreams too unrealistic.

We abandon ourselves time and time again in favor of wanting to fit in, to be accepted, to find belonging, often because no one has shown us a different way.

Eventually, if we abandon ourselves enough, our heart connection becomes all too faint and we end up feeling depressed, apathetic, and withdrawn. Our lives become a monotonous series of events—one prescribed step after another—that is, until we meet a moment where it all comes crashing down and we simply cannot do it anymore.

When you meet this moment, you’ll be faced with the choice of a lifetime: either go back to how you were living, or do the work of finding a new way. A new path. A new life—one that is aligned with the truth of Who You Are, and not who you’ve been told to be.

This life that is waiting for you—a life that is truly yours—it all begins with the connection that exists within your heart to your soul, and your soul to All That Is.


A sensitive human living from the wholeness of the heart has the power to positively impact us all.

From where I stand, the more of us there are, the better we all will be.


An incomplete collection of beliefs I hold today

Knowing what someone believes can help guide your choice to keep them close or far as you walk your path to wholeness


We are all endlessly multifaceted beings

Undefinable by words and labels alone, unlimited in identities beyond belief


We are our own best healers

We need only learn how to get quiet enough to listen, and feel safe enough to adhere


We cannot rise above being human

Even the most “enlightened” of souls is still privvy to the challenges that come along with being human


Safe spaces are vital for sensitive hearts

We cannot truly move forward if we suppress and never feel safe enough to express


No one is too far gone to become whole again

Everyone is capable of coming back home to their heart


All experiences are valid

There is no right or wrong way to process an event


Less of what’s right and wrong

More of what works and doesn’t work;
what serves and doesn’t serve;
what loves and doesn’t love


Soul connection is key

Soul to soul connection is what brings our hearts belonging, peace, and joy


Belonging, peace, and joy are always available to us

They are never not an option


Owning our sensitive nature extends outward beyond ourselves

When you move into wholeness, everything in life becomes better for you and the people you cross paths with — no facet remains untouched