The Vital Importance of Safe Spaces

I never really understood the importance of [emotionally] safe spaces until I found myself in the middle of so many unsafe ones.

And goodness knows, the world is full of primarily unsafe ones.

When we talk about healing and letting go, we are talking about a process which looks something like—

A thing happens.

My mind, which is only trying to protect me, creates a meaning about that thing which is most likely going to be negative as the mind is constantly trying to pick up any and all, perceived or real, potential threats to my person.

An emotion arises in response to that meaning.

I either hold on to the emotion (common);

Or I allow it to be fully felt and eventually let it go (healing).

In this way, healing is simply the journey releasing those emotions we haven’t yet let go of.

Often, when we decide to hold on to an emotion, it is because we are too scared to let it go.

What if we are ridiculed, rejected, or seen as not good enough? What if we are told we are being too sensitive, too soft, too dramatic? What if, in letting this emotion out, we must let go of something which has been with us for so long, that it has woven its way into the fabric of our identity and we are not even sure who we will be if we finally let it go?

Whatever the reason, a safe feeling space is vital to healing because it allows us to not feel threatened anymore. When we no longer feel threatened, we can finally be honest, and haven’t you heard, my internet friend, that is the truth, and nothing but the truth, which shall finally set you free. 🕊️ Yes, I thought so too.

Shared in love,



#100daysofwriting | This essay is the fifth in a series of 100 I am challenging myself to write before the end of the year 2022. As of today, 107 days remain. Will the essays be perfect? No. Will they be done? Yes. As a life-long recovering perfectionist who loves to write but fears subpar work, to write with such frequency and disregard for most standards except the one that asks, is it published? will be an adventure, to say the least.

Topics, I’m sure, will span the breadth of seriousness to silliness, will cover the grounds of spirituality to observations I may make in a nail salon, but truthfully, there are no promises in such a challenge, except to say that yes — they will be done.

You can keep up with my writing challenge by following me on Medium, or subscribing to my email list.


Thank You, Apartment, for Who I’ve Become Here


Stop Should-ing All Over the Place