Conscious Manifesting for Sensitive Humans, a Manifesto of Sorts

An assortment of personal items which bring joy to my heart, but which have either nothing or everything to do with what is written, depending on where you are. :)

Everything you want is possible.

This is where I want to start, because this is the deepest, best feeling truth I know. 

I used to dance around this quite a bit—I mean, there are a lot of folks out there on the internet who talk about manifesting and consciousness and spirituality and all of the things, and because I like to think of myself as unique (don’t we all? :) ), I shied away from using these words to describe myself and this work.

But the thing here is this—we cannot get to where we want to go if we hold any kind of shame or judgement around what it is that we are doing.

Sometimes, we don’t even realize the judgements we’re carrying around, because we formed them so long ago that they are deeply ingrained into our subconscious, and until we give voice to these things in some capacity, they will remain a block on the path to the things we truly want. 

I used to kind of describe this process as something like this—

A thing happens, we assign some kind of meaning to that thing that happened via a thought, an emotion arises in response to that meaning/thought, and then this here is the point where many of us get stuck—we either suppress that emotion and carry it around with us (sometimes for a few days, a week, a year…sometimes for a lifetime), or we release it and let it go.

Ah, those wonderful words. Let it go.

That is a basic process for how we as humans work on an emotional level, and the thing about that process is this—the things we manifest, or the things that show up in our lives, are a direct result of the emotional state we keep ourselves in when it comes to those things, and if we are holding on to our not-so-good-feeling emotions, either because we don’t know they’re there or because we have been too afraid to give voice to them, we keep ourselves blocked from the things that we truly want. 

And now, the thing about that is this—for sensitive humans, the amount of not-so-good-feeling emotions we experience tends to be higher than the rest, thus giving us a wonderfully possible higher amount of roadblocks on the way to manifesting what we truly want.

I would say this is a travesty, and yet to say as such would create a not-so-good-feeling emotion, so I know that that is simply not the truth, nor is it a thought that will create a reality I want to live in. 

What I would instead write about such a predicament is this—if you are a sensitive human facing an array of not-so-good-feeling emotions that seem to be more than most, all this means is that you have oomph more opportunities to grow, to find meaning, purpose, fulfillment, to connect with what is true here in this universe, to lead yourself back home over and over and over so that your life may become an example of what it means to live as a fully integrated, vibrant, balanced human who is neither out of touch nor floating in the clouds, but who is firmly rooted in truth of self and soul and unwavering in the face of fear. 

It is a gift.

It is a gift because what humanity really needs most right now is sensitive people who have developed clear, stable minds, and full, loving hearts which can lead those who have strayed back to the wholeness, richness, and vibrancy of their own hearts. 

To me, the things you want are merely a path for your highest, most beautiful growth to becoming that integrated, sensitive human that you are. 

The path of conscious manifestation for a sensitive human is the path of intentionally taking steps to reprogramming your mind with beliefs that lie in closest truth to who you really are (versus who you learned to be); it is the path of consciously choosing the thoughts that make you feel good so that you can become a match for whatever it is that you want, and letting go, over and over and over and over, of each and every thought which has created an unpleasant emotion as well as each and every emotion which you have been too scared to let go of before. 

To be sensitive is an incredibly beautiful trait.

It is time for those of us who are to stop hiding, to stop playing into any kind of victimhood which says you cannot help but have so many feelings and there is nothing you can do about it because you were just born this way—which, yes, a little truth, but a bigger truth is that you are so much more powerful than your emotions—you are a sovereign being with the ability to choose what you want to believe about yourself and the world around you, to let go of those thoughts which tell you you are less than you are, to learn and use your emotions as the guidance system that they are for how on track your thoughts and beliefs are to the real truth, and to move through life with more ease, confidence, and grace that is all possible for you no matter what you have been through, where you currently are, or where it is you want to go. 

I have been sensitive for a long time (my whole life).

I have spent a great deal of time (many years) at the mercy of my sensitivity—hiding, withdrawn, disconnected, and afraid of so much.

I know what these things feel like, and I know that when we are in them, it can feel impossible to imagine that anything else is possible. 

If this is you, I want to tell you, very clearly and with no hesitation: you do not have to stay that way.

You do not have to live at the mercy of your sensitivity. You can learn to integrate the things which have hurt you, which have kept you stuck and living in any kind of shell of yourself, and step into a beautiful, bold, vibrant version of yourself who attracts all of the things which your heart truly wants. 

Life can feel good.

It can feel really good.

This is the work we are doing here. Consciously choosing who we are, letting go of everything we are not, and bringing in a life which not only feels good on the inside, but which sets an example for every other sensitive human out there who needs to see that yes, it is possible to truly live, to whole-heartedly thrive. 

Here is the deal—if anything I share resonates or strikes a chord with you, I want to hear it. Leave a comment! Share with a friend. Spread the word—sometimes, all it takes is a perfectly formed string of words to hit home for someone and open the door to something new.

Oh, and make sure we’re friends on IG too—something about that good old advice of filling your feed with like-hearted souls who will lift you up and soften your heart.

Heartfelt thanks for being here (on this page, on this planet).

xx Cristina


“I feel like I am supposed to be doing something else, but I don’t know what.”


On Being Reborn (Part 2 of 2)